04 April, 2023
We’re really enjoying the new album , especially in peaceful days.
03 April, 2023
Songs to surrender to.
I like the way these 40 songs have been reworked in versions that do not shy away from special and subdued musical interpretations. And strangely enough it works. It feels authentic. Uptempo songs from the "Boy" period sound nice in their acoustic format and newer quieter songs from the songs of innocence & experience period sound different and familiar. All in all an album that puts well in the ear and will often blast through the speakers. This will be a welcome alternative until "Songs of Ascent" (finally, if ever) comes out.
24 March, 2023
Missing You guys a lot
I really want to Say thank You!!!Thanks to remember My city, Bogotá, ir is a pleasure to be part of your 40 chosen cities, I Will always love You.Marcela
24 March, 2023
must admit i was abit weary about this,i neednt have be....its a great album & im digging the new versions,thought it may have taken me a few listens before it grew on me but no,straight away i liked them
23 March, 2023
I am enjoying SOS so much !
I love the creativity and intimacy. It's like a great remix version of the songs,
23 March, 2023
Songs of 2023
When the world suddenly stood still due to a dangerous new virus U2, especially The Edge and Bono, spent the unexpected free time well by creating these new versions. The result is a beautiful collection concentrating on the essence of those songs. The stripped down music and some atmospheric sounds give Bono´s voice much space to unfold a big range of tone colours moving from deep notes to gentle falsetto. I have always been a fan of U2´s straightforward energy and have been anxiously awaiting this release. Now I´m ready for a discovery of music inviting me to find soul and intensity in its calmness. There is a sense of intimacy I love. For me it´s moving to hear U2 reinterpret early tracks like "Stories For Boys" from the perspective of mature men dealing with the time when they were boys. The use of instruments like piano, acoustic guitar and cello creates subtle dynamics and lets the songs flow naturally. From the minimalist instrumentation of "Dirty Day" to the rich piano sounds of "If God Will Send His Angels" some pieces reveal a great sonic diversity. For me "Red Hill Mining Town", "The Fly" and "Two Hearts Beat As One" are outstanding, too. At times I might return to the older versions of some classics, but this album definitely offers an adventure worth delving into a longer time. A new desert rose is flourishing.
23 March, 2023
Songs to be bored
Such a boring album.
23 March, 2023
40 songs, 40+ years
I'm really enjoying most of these new takes on classic songs. Another reason why this new release is precious is that, while listening, I'm reliving the years and the kind of person I was when I listened to the originals for the first time. As Bono's voice has changed and evolved in the course of years, so have my life and my experience, and this doubles the emotion. Among my favourites there are One, Stories for Boys, Bad, Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own, Dirty Day, Electrical Storm, The Fly, If God will Send His Angels, All I Want Is You, Stay, Two Hearts Beat as One and The Little Things That Give You Away.
23 March, 2023
Simply... Beautiful
Each new album is a challenge for me to listen: Can they sound like in the past? No more changes of the classic U2? You know, if you like U2 since the beginning you know what I'm talking about.The kind of sound that I can tell to my son and say: This is why I love U2, enjoy it!!!And suddenly this... Fresh versions, new sounds but something we needed from U2.Thank you!!!
21 March, 2023
Hoping for a new album...
After watching the 'sort of homecoming' documentary, I looked forward to listening to the whole album (all 40 tracks) after seeing the arrangements and different musicians etc, but I was extremely disappointed! I've been a fan for 43 years and it was the rawness of Boy, October etc that got me listening to them and following them for all these years. I'm still a fan by the way, but this album is not for me! I look forward to the 'fighting album' as the Edge called it.
21 March, 2023
Omg - Absolutely love DIRTY DAY!!!❤️❤️❤️
Dean Allison
21 March, 2023
Starting to grow on me
I must admit I was overly negative about the album to begin with. After more listens it’s getting there. I think with brand new material there’s an excitement that comes with it that wasn’t there for SOS because it was reworks but with a more open mind more of its starting to click.
21 March, 2023
U2 SOS 40
An album of beauty and spectacular rawness. Thank you for this special gift.MarkAdminU2 IRISH FAN CLUB FACEBOOK PAGE
20 March, 2023
Fresh sounds
This is an Edge tour de force, he's brilliant on it. Bonos vocals seems to be finding new territory.. Really surprising how songs so familiar could sound so new. This is fantastic work.
20 March, 2023
Songs of beauty
WowWas blown away by the majority of these tracks I have been waiting for a very laid back acoustic U2 album like this for along timeStand outs for me are 11 o clock ; out of control , stories for boys , I will followLights of home ,Two Hearts2 complaints1) Please stop changing the lyrics especially on the classics Bono I’m with the Edge on this Emotional/ spiritual connection is much more Important then clever and fleshed out lyrics2 ) we already have acoustic versions of EBW and SIAM Something from October like Gloria ,rejoice ,or ,I fall down would’ve been awesome Or maybe one from No line on the horizon like magnificent ,or moment of surrender Despite what critics me say those are two fantastic albums that should’ve had some representation IMHO Thanks ladsPrayers for Larry
20 March, 2023
Songs of Surrender for my soul
After listening to it non-stop 3, 4 times last Friday, Saturday all I can say is I'm in awe to this beauty. I'd never listened to Bono's voice this way, in this light. The Folk, intimate Soul singer baring his soul and connecting me with my own soul and existence so far in a very, very deep way. U2 have never left my life, but this Songs OF Surrender experience has been totally left-field unexpected for me. So THANK YOU.Regarding the liner notes on the physical releases of the album, I just wish there was more detailed information on the studio sessions for each song, where and when were re-recorded and who played what and where.
20 March, 2023
always those special moments that the release of u2 bombs... Imagine myself at 52, walking the streets of Paris in search of the Peugeot u2..... You are incredible. No words....
19 March, 2023
We’ve just spent an evening listening to all four albums and really enjoyed these new perspectives.My self, hubby and our two cats are very happy, chilled and peaceful.<3
19 March, 2023
Not Bad Boys !
After giving the tracks a listenI'm a old duffer and ❤️ the reimagined tunes like Stories for Boys ,11 o clock tick tock ,I will follow ,and out of controlThough everyone has different thoughts and favs I certainly feel you've fitted the correct jigsaw pieces into the correct positions
18 March, 2023
New album
So excited about this new adventure….This album feels like starting new relationships with old friends. Can’t wait to experience the acquaintance all over again…
18 March, 2023
So many gorgeous surprises
So many in this universe of an album. Every emotion going on listening to this. Thank you, U2!
18 March, 2023
Under No Circumstances
No way was I falling for this but I was WRONG…. It’s a thing of beauty & I’m obsessed U2 Go Raibh Maith Agaibh
18 March, 2023
Gratitude To You, U2!
Made it a I2 night after work. My fiancé sat on my lap while on the couch and we listened to the album! Breathtaking, moving, powerful! Just like a Bono whispering the song into your ear. My fiancé has been introduced to U2 by me and now inherited my love and passion. You boys have grown up so much and got this down. You have entered your sweet spot and it’s evident, the best is still yet to come! Brilliant work! We think we may choose one of the songs off the SOS album to walk down the aisle after getting married! They are just so beautiful and it’s hard to choose! Perhaps, Bono & Edge you could come to my wedding and help us sort it out?!
18 March, 2023
Like it!!!
Must say I was a bit negative after hearing One and WOWY, but after my first listen to the 40 songs I was very surprised. It's a great collection of songs actually!! Headphones are definately recommended to get the full experience.Then again: Release it on blu ray with hi res audio, it was mixed in Dolby Atmos, so bring it on physical media.
Dean Allison
18 March, 2023
6 out of 40
6 songs out of the 40 I like. Stories for boys, who’s Gonna ride your wild horses, ordinary love, lights of home, little things that give you away and 40. Will be glad when the new material is released and Larry is back to perform it live.
18 March, 2023
as always, music is always about personal taste. I really loved some of these new versions, such as Bad, Two hearts, Until the end, Pride & 40 to mention a few. And some are just not my thing, or I just prefer the original versions. Thanks guys, really enjoying listening to it ! Love & peace
17 March, 2023
We found what we we were looking for!
#U2SOS40Las Vegas
17 March, 2023
A Sort of Homecoming
I watched the Letterman documentary last night after listening to SoS. What a well put together documentary. A great insight and a great overview of the great journey the band has been on and still is! Love the reworkings. I suspect it'll be playing on repeat for some time!
17 March, 2023
Old songs made new, songs finished and u
I'm currently listening to Bono in the "A Sort of Homecoming" documentary discussing how "Songs of Surrender" has allowed the band to revisit, update, and finish their songs after all this time. It must feel nice for the band get them to the place they've always wanted them to be. That being said, let's not forget that sometimes the "sketches" can be just as good -- and "40 Foot Man" is a strong argument for this point.
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