Upper Hamlin Lake, Ludington, MI. Call 616-335-5151, 6-9pm. HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES On small lake, near Traverse City, May thru Oct. 454-8077. WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 bedroom cottage on good fishing lake, must have good swiming beach, call 1-527-0384 RR16 Rooms (Rent) BURTON HEIGHTS For working man, no kitchen, $34 wk.
deposit, laundry facilities, 452-4223 HERITAGE HILL large sunny partially furnished room and bath, off-street parking, $135, references, deposit, 949-6722. Share house, all utilities included; NORTHEAST Heritage Hill. $45 wk. Call 455-6222. NORTHWEST Male, own room, towels, sheets, cable, kitchen, must see.
451-9723, 364-0865 RAINBOW MOTEL Convenient location, color TV, air, refrigerator, maid, reasonable, 245-4537. RED CARPET INN 28th St. SW. Phones, cable TV, bar. Efficiencies available.
Weekly rates. 534-7641 ADULT FOSTER CARE HOME Has room for male or female on bus route. S5 and SSI accepted. Ask about our rebate program. Call 454-1446 or 361-5341, ask for Helen.
D189 SATURDAY, RR15 Resort Cottages SANDY BEACHES ON WHITE LAKE And Lake Michgion. Housekeeping unit. Boats -available. Hollister's Lodge, 6195 Murray, Whitehall. 49461.
1-894- 4331. TRAVERSE BAY INN Your family in Traverse City at a resort for less than $400 per wit. with kitchens. Heated pool. Wooded setting.
East Bay private beach access. Brochure. 1-800- 942-2646 or 1-938-2646. friendly, intoment beach reTRAVERSE CITY Charming, sort on East Bay. Beautiful sandy beach, $445 $520 wk.
Brochure. 1-938-1740 or 1-938-1181. WANTED TO RENT Cottage on FERRIS HOTEL Rooms, refrigerator, TV, air, maid. Reasonable. Call 243-5500 or 245-4537.
RR17 Roommates Wanted HERITAGE HILL Woman to share large house with 2 others. Rent and utilities under $200. Call Claire or Diane, 459-4745 KENTWOOD Professional to share with same. $250 per month includes utilities. Call 538-6836.
NORTHEAST Needed by May 1 to share 2 bedroom apt with female. 454-9590 after 6pm. NORTHEAST Prefer non-smoking person, 'nice 3 bedroom home on Cannonsburg Rd. Call Paul, 361-7625, 874-6657 eves. RAMBLEWOOD Responsible male to share nicely furnished 2 bedroom apt.
with same, baths, with walkout. $250 mo. utilities included. Includes other benefits. Chris 532-4953.
SOUTHEAST 3 bedroom duplex, baths. 698-0249 after 6pm; Sandy 942-2189 anytime SOUTHEAST Female to share with Christian female. No pets or children. $112.50 and utilities. Nice 2 bedroom.
241-3840 SOUTHEAST Female roomate to share 3 bedroom apt. with 2 other females. $143 per mo. plus utilities. Deposit.
Call 698-9856. SOUTHWEST 3 bedroom house, $210 per mo. includes all utilities. 247-6849. WYOMING Female to share with same, 2 bedroom, student or worker, $180 plus utility, non smoker, 534-9598 WYOMING Share nice 3 bedroom duplex, available immediately.
Perfer 20-27 yrs. 532-4661 ROOMATE REFERRAL SERVICE We'll save you time and headaches. GL Services Ltd. 243-3843. LAKE FRONT HOME North of Grand Rapid, gentleman to share with Utilities included.
Eves. 1-652-1838, wkdays 453-8286, ask for John. RR18 (Rent) Suburban Country HASTINGS Lakefront 2 bedroom apartment, fireplace, garage, appliances, boat dock. $275 plus utilities. 538-6485.
RR19 Wanted (Rent) DETROIT AREA EXECUTIVE Looking for room furnished or unfurnished, with or without board, for 2 to 3 nights wk. Will pay monthly flat fee regardless of number of nights used. Call John, 241- 2448 weekdays. WANTED Executive needs 3 bedroom house or duplex, near Elks Country Club for approx 6 mos. 784-4507 EXECUTIVE 3 bedrom home in southeast location available late April or May 1.
698-7007. FOR SALE RS1 Building plans bids RS2 Business opportunities RS3 Commercial, industrial property RS4. Condos, co-ops, townhouses Cottages resorts, hunting fishing sites RS5A Waterfront Property RS6 Exchange RS7 Farms acreage RS8 Homes RS9 In other cities, states Income property Lots RS12 Mobile homes RS13 Mobile home sites RS14 Mortgages, contracts, insurance RS15 Suburban country R516 Time-sharing R517 Wanted x-does not appear today NOTICE "All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national on intention to make any preference, limitation or discrimination." "This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising real estate which is in violation of the law." RS1 Building Plans Bids CEDAR LOG HOMES By Otsego Nature's best! Kit, rough-in, we build. Cardinal Realty 451-8877 1986 THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS CUSTOM DESIGNED HOMES At affordable prices! Your plans or ours. Built now! Interest rates are low! Construction451-0261 CUSTOM HOMES Built to suit.
Your lot or ours. Our design or yours. Parker Assoc. 538-3810. HOUSE PLANS Michael VanderWall Experienced.
Reasonable. 677-3415. DON'T LET LOW INTEREST RATES Cause you to pay as high as too much for a new home! High efficiency, attractive homes and personal service can be yours for less! 28 yrs. in Grand Rapids 363-6002 ANDERSON BUILDERS. DON'T MISS EASTBROOK COMPANIES' furnished model homes.
Over 150 lots for you to build on or we can build on your lot. Models furnished by Israels, open Monday through Thursday 10-8; Friday 10-5 and Saturday and Sunday 1-5 at 2130 32nd Street S.E. between Breton and Kalamazoo. Ask about our home exchange program. LET SPRUYT HOMES Take the guesswork out of building your new home! 774-0936.
QUALITY Eagles Nest Homes. From $22,000 on your lot. You build or built. Call us. 866-1439.
RS2 Business Opportunities YARD We're A selling our busiAUTO PARTS AND SALVAGE ness in Grand Rapids. Have large inventory. Send serious inquires to: Box M4301, Care of Press, 155 Michigan, N.W., 49503. BAR AND GRILL Excellent industrial neighborhood location with or without property. Also, nite club, rest-lounge and Class liquor license only.
in Grand Rapids and surrounding resort areas. Easy terms. Call Craig Johnson 245- 0423, AMERICAN ACQUESTREALTY DIVISION BARS- In or out of city. Low down payment on some. 459-4316 Grand Valley Business Brokers CADILLAC AREA 20 unit motel.
5 housekeeping chalets. Class Bar. Dining room, owner retiring, make own terms. 616-389-2222. COMPUTER ORIENTED RESEARCH BUSINESS Ground floor opportunity.
New division, small corporation needs partner for Investment required. ($10,000 plus). 459-6000 CONCESSION TRAILER And van. Phone 887-1631 after 5 p.m. DRY CLEANERS WITH LAUNDRY Includes the plant and 1 drop off location.
Sales about $100,000 yearly. Valley Business Brokers, 459-4316, Ed Kalis. DRY CLEANING BUSINESS Northwest Suburban, complete line of quality equipment includes drape cleaning and shirt laundry. Liberty Realty 957-9774, Joe Debski, 784-6946. FOOD CONCESSION TRAILER Never used, fully equipped.
Call 454-2364 or 245-0520. FOOD CONCESSION TRAILER Fully equipped, very clean, $4500 or offer. 1-623-5465. INSURANCE AGENCY Well established in the Grand Rapids Area. Many excellent markets with good mix of business.
Only answer this ad if you are willing to pay times the income with a down payment required of $325,000 from a financial strong buyer. Reply: Box P4231, Care of Press 155 Michigan, N.W., 49503. INVEST IN COMMODITY OPTIONS Comodity options provide tremendous leverage. Sugar is the sweetest investment in 1986. Call for free information package 305-563-4563.
KIS 1 HOUR PHOTO LAB Equipment and inventory. Available immediately. 452-0881. LAKEFRONT CAMP GROUND camp sites, Allegan County, Call Brad Lindsay, West Shore Grand, 1-846-7400 or 1-842-4742 MANUFACTURING OR MACHINE SHOP WANTED Individual seeking to purchase. Up to $100,000 down.
All replies held in strict confidence, principals only. Reply: Box M4348, Care of Press 155 Michigan, N.W., 49503. MULTI LEVEL MARKETING State of Michigan opened. Not soap, insurance, health food products or cosmetics, etc. Serious inquiries only 517-482-1167.
NORTHWEST LOWER MICHIGAN Florist Nursery Gift Shop, all wire services, good gross, located in growing resort area, call Nancy at 616-533-8521. De Witt Real Estate, Rt. 2 Box 74B, Alden, MI 49612, 616-377-4111. PIZZA STORE for sale in South Haven. Must sell, reasonable.
Call 1-721-8130. PORTABLE SAND BLASTING RIG Can be yours, complete with Yellow Pages phone number. Sand tank, valves, hoses, hood, nozzles, etc. All mounted on 1976 Ford Utility truck. All for only $5,230.
Call 451-8474. RESTAURANT Family run. Seats 30. Includes 2 rented Good cash flow. $38,900.
677-3816 RESTAURANT For sale by owner. Good growing business, cabins, living quarters. For more information, 616-266-5919. VIDEO GAMES Arcade style, upright and cocktail models, all in good working order. 942-5437.
WASH ON WHEELS Mobile pressure washer, 2000 PSI, water, 16hp motor, trailer mounted. Will clean any exterior surface. $10,500. 616-273-8198 WAYLAND AREA Highly visible excellent opportunity. Call Cathy Sherman, 676-2891.
SunQuest Dev. and Realty, 942-5572 .4 THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS CLASSIFIEDS -MEASURE UP TO A GREAT 2 BUY FOR YOUR -ADVERTISING DOLLAR Phone 459-1511 today WEST MICHIGAN WHOLESALER Of designer fashions, recently opened new retail outlet in Grand Rapids. This tremendous opportunity with ideal location, and low overhead has extremely high earnings potential. Low investment to qualified buyer. Will train and finance.
531-2038, 363-3343 ADVERTISING YOUR BUSINESS? Call Vince for economical contract rates. 459-1532 BUYING OR SELLING A BUSINESS Many buyers and sellers. See Sunday's press. Corporate Investment, 451-4322. Larry Seekman.
FOR SALE OR LEASE Cocktail Lounge and Restaurant. Capacity 300. In Washtenaw County. 313- 434-3230. FOR MOTELS IN MICHIGAN And Nationwide REAL ESTATE at 1-800-632-1759.
HAVE BUYER With up to $250,000 down store. Verploegh Co. 942-2075." IF INTERESTED IN Buying or selling a business. Call. or write LaNoble Realty Company Business Brokers, 1516 E.
Michigan, Lansing, MI 48912. 517-482-1637 IN SEARCH OF Financial for investment in home interior and real estate tour show for TV. Show already accepted by major stations. Capital is needed for immediate, production ahead. Call Holland, 396-8472.
WANTED We wish to purchase property and casualty agency in the Grand Rapids vicinity. Size of no importance. All replies confidential. Reply: Box P4383, Care of Press 155 Michigan, N.W., 49503. WE SPECIALIZE IN SELLING businesses and represent more than we can advertise.
VR BUSINESS BROKERS 942-4005 RS3 Property Commercial, Sites Industrial (Sale) 3 MILE NW sq. ft. Near 1-96. (New) Sale or lease. Robert J.
Overbeek, 784-3671. ALLEGAN INDUSTRIAL PARK 2-4 acre parcel or larger, 4 commercial light industrial, all utilities on site, access to M-118, 10 miles west of US 131; airport at doorstep. Easy commute to Grand Rapids, Holland, Kalamazoo. Madeline Rutkowski, 616-673-7077. ALPINE NW Near 8 Mile.
5 acres, 463 ft. frontage. Land contract terms. R. DeBoer Realtor 241-0802, eves.
454-5718. BUTTERWORTH HOSPITAL CORRIDOR 2.4 acres with over 300 feet of frontage on Michigan. Access to College and Crescent with easy acces to 1-196. 53,000 sq. ft.
building could be converted to offices or commercial. 200 on-site parking spaces. Call Bruce Brown at Square Real Estate, Inc. 451- 2333 or 363-7710 evenings and weekends. SQUARE COMMERCIAL BUILDING IN ZEELAND Sale or rent, 3400 Sq.ft.
front half carpeted, 1-399-6884 COOPERSVILLE Newly redecorated commercial building. Separate utilities, ideal for offices or retail. Near G.M. Call Jim Norkus 363-3601, Carriage House Realty 866-4481. NORTHWEST 3300 sq.
ft. block building near downtown. Zoned C- 2 has two large overhead doors and loading dock. $55,000. Call Roger Wilczynski 452-7799 or Professionals, 534-5100.
SOUTHEAST Vacant land for sale. Excellent piece for Commercial Use. All utilities. Approximately 21,780 sq. ft.
available. Ben M. Muller Realty Inc. 456-7114. Bill Tamminga, 241-4184 WYOMING Industrial building for sale.
40,923 sq. ft. Factory features 20-27 ft. ceiling height, 22 ft. wide craneway extending entire length of building (approximately 390 feet).
Ample parking, prime industrial area near expressway interchange. For immediate occupancy call Dave Jackson 957-7966 WYOMING SALE WITH LEASE BACK 55,000 sq. ft. choice 1 floor steel and masonry building, conveniently located on 3 acres, good parking, loading docks, 2800 sq. ft.
offices. Poskey Realty, 538-4130. ATTENTION INDUSTRIAL USERS: If you are sq. ft. user? We have a 22,500 sq.
ft. manufacturing facility in Grand Rapids for sale less than ft. includes approx. 2 acres of land, lease extra footage until you grow. Call Bob or Doug, Tol Realty and Construction Co.
about this investment opportunity, 774-2330 FACTORY BUILDING 11,000 square feet with offices on 7 acres of land and rail in city limits. Priced to move. Contact L. Renterghem, First State Bank Greenville 616- 754-5611. FOUR SHOPS IN ONE! On the main street in Sand Lake, this building features 3 store areas and beauty shop! 3 acres currently occupied.
For information call Susan Deane 942-1689, Greenridge Realty 949-8900. (57416 L) INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Zoned for light industry. For information call 616-238-7042. SALE-LEASE New steel building, near 131 and 36th S.E., High ceilings, docks, offices. Sharp.
Call Pete Calvin, Dodgson Realty, 458- 1588 or 956-0151. RS4 Condos, Townhouses Co-ops, (Sale) AMBER TERRACE New phase i in the woods now under construction. Beautiful setting, private attached garage. Super low heat bills. See Amber Terrace and pick your own floor plan.
East off Clyde Park, south of 68th. Model open 2-6pm or call Jack Grashuis 531-3619, Greenridge Realty 457-5250 ARROWHEAD ARMS CONDOMINIUMS All ranch style up to 4 bedrooms. Air conditioned, private garages. Open Saturday and Sunday 1-5pm and Thursday 4-7 p.m. for more information call Lloyd Botsford or Larry Heffelfinger 949-9400.
WESTDALES' BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS. ARROWHEAD ARMS CONDOMINIUMS All ranch style up to 4 bedrooms. Air conditioned, private garages. From $51,900. Open Saturday and Sunday 1- 5pm and Thursday 4-7 p.m.
For more information call Lloyd Botsford or Larry Heffelfinger 949. 9400. WESTDALES' BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS. BEL AIR (WEST OFF 550 MARY. LAND NE) By owner.
2 bedrooms, attached garage, like new. Low heat bills. Available for immediate occupancy. 949-8372. BOULDER BLUFF CONDOMINIUMS Of Jenison.
Deluxe ranches with attached garages starting at $55,900. Henry Kooiker 457-3560, Betty Cook 677-5440 CASCADE Grenelefe Condominiums in the Village of Cascade, 6700 Cascade Rd. Classic and Contemporary styles. Open Sun. 2- 4pm.
AJS Realty Inc. 949-3825 or 957-1680. CASTLE VILLA CONDOMINIUMS New model open to show you the best condominium value in the area. Custom floor plans, hardwood cabinets, 1 or 2 stall gorages, and much, much more. Make sure you see Castle Villa before you purchase.
Prices starting at $56,900. Model open Mon-Fri. 1-6. Sat. 1-4 or call Chuck Helder, 942-0820, 534-2467.
Breton Road to 32nd SE, then east mile to Westminster Dr. CROSS CREEK Condominiums (west off 3500 Breton Rd. SE, Kentwood) All new construction. $58,000 $99,900. Model open Mon-Fri.
3-5 Sat-Sun 2-4 pm. AJS Realty Inc. 957-1680. EAGLECREST 2 plus bedrooms, 1-2 car garage. E.
Beltline at Leonard. From $68,900. Model open daily except Thurs. 957-2078. GROOSE POINT ESTATES Northwest.
TRC, Inc. Realtors, 774- 2912 Phase Ill is under way. Custom floor plans HILLBURN CONDOS Fully leased, your $40,000 downpay: ment will get you all 4 units Call GU Inc. 458-8996. HUDSONVILLE Deluxe, brand new 3 bedroom, Summergreen Condo on the golf course.
2 full baths, finished basement, extra large kitchen, 2 stall garage, many extras. Excellent condition. $98,500. 669-1084 or 669-5450. INDIAN VILLAGE townhouse, 3 bedrooms, baths plus family room.
BETTER HOMES REALTY 531-7430. JENISON Waterfront, 1 and 2 bedroom condo's with main floor laundry, walkout basements, attached garage. Model open: Tues. 3-6; Friday 5-8; Sat. 1-4 or Call Marve or Jeri Tamminga 896-9514 West Michigan Real Estate LEISURE SOUTH Model open daily 10-5.
Call R.J. Mast Realty, 455-5731. LEISURE SOUTH 2 bedroom, no basement, nice location. With air, awning, corner china. Call R.
Mast Realty, 455-8190. LEISURE SOUTH 2 bedroom, air, awnings, immediate possession. No basement. Excellent condition 531-3997 or 281-2799 MAPLE VILLA Between Kalama100 and Breton on 32nd. TRC Realtors, 774-2912.
Many special features NORTH VALLEY CONDOMINIUMS Come Home to Grand Rapids' first condominiums Northeast. The difference is we are different. Located on North Valley Dr. off 5 Mile Rd. NE, near Plainfield Ave by North Kent Mall.
363-9588 days, 363-5663 eves. Dirk M. Bruyn Jr. PARKSIDE Hudsonville Schools, spacious floor plans, at affordable prices, with country atmosphere. Call Ron Villerius of Professionals 669-2000 QUAIL CREST CONDOMINIUMS If you've seen the rest see the best.
Shurlow, 949-0059. RADCLIFFE VILLAGE CONDO. MINIUMS Call Ruth De Jong 452-5269, 942-0280 or Zylstra Realty 531-3090. ROCKHILL CONDOMINIUMS Starting at $44,900. Plainfield north of 5 Mile Rd.
Open Mon-Sat 364-4849, Westmark Prop. SILVERLEAF CONDOMINIUMS Ranch condominiums, attached gorage, walkouts, close to town yet private in Cutlerville. Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Friday 2-5pm and Thursday 4-7 pm. Call Brian Ellens at 281-3070 or L. Dykema Associates at 669-0210 SPRING LAKE AREA Dogwood Meadows: from $71,900.
Custom interiors, full walkout levels, main floor utility, attached garage. G.H. Myers Rity. Co. 458-7375.
SPRING LAKE Veit's Landing deluxe waterfront condominiums. Furnished model now open Sat. 1-5. From $174,800. 846-6301.
GH Myers Realty Co. SPYGLASS CONDOS Model Open 1-5pm, Sat. 1-5pm. Call 399-3411 for appt. STONEGATE OF WYOMING 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, attached garage, walkouts and larger inside units starting at $45,900.
South of Prarrie on Wentworth. Compare! Last phase in project. Call Rick Grasman 457-5517, or Merwyn Koster 669-6334 at Greenridge Realty, 457-5250. SUMMERGREEN CONDOMINBUMS Ranch style floor plans. Located around water or golf course.
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2-5pm. Call Pat Bosgroat at 669-0210 L. Dykema Associates TWIN LAKES Beautiful new concept with loft, cathedral ceiling, or 2 bedrooms, attached garage. 949-2050 days or 949-5974 eves. WATERS TOWER Large 1 bedroom outside unit.
Owner wants sold! Reduced to $40,900 which is below appraisal. Call Paul DeBartolo at The Real Estate Office 458- 1595 or 361-5115 WINDY COVE CONDOMINIUM On beautiful White Lake. Now under construction. 2 and 3 bed. room units.
Call VanHassel Development, 1-766-2688. WYOMING 2 bedroom, 2 bath, distinctive appointments featuring Grabill kitchen, vertical blinds, wall treatments, kitchen appliances including dishwasher, disposal, washer and dryer. Call Craig Johnson, AMERICAN ACQUESTREALTY DIVISION 245-0423. GRAND OPENING 2nd Phase Special 8 What do ponds, creeks, nature trails and rolling hills have in common? Southgate Condominiums. All of these features plus custom designing are waiting for you at Southgate Condominiums.
Prices start at $76,900. Open and Thurs. from 1-7pm, Sunday 1-5 or call Ursula at 281- 4255 or 868-7552. 5123 Stauffer SE in Kentwood north to Stuffer from 2300 52nd SE ARM mortgage down ment required CONDOMINIUM In the heart of Grand Rapids. This Forslund Condo unit offers the serene ofmosphere of living on the Grand River.
Presents on air of living comfort and case throughout. For an exclusive showing call Gladys Vander Veer 451-2333 or eves. 534-8920 SQUARE RS5 Cottages, Fishing Sites Resorts, Hunting BIG STAR LAKE Baldwin, MI. 3 bedroom, year around cottage, 837-8538. DAM AREA Cabin.
Sleeps 6. Extra lot. Coll 784-2192 anytime. FORD LAKE Mason County. Chalet by owner.
Yeararound with garage. 1 acre wooded. 616-273- 3635 after 6pm. HOWARD CITY Trout fisherman, hunters, Tamarack Creek lots. One to four acres.
363-0092 LAKE MICHIGAN Grand Haven. 100x100 lot, $45,000, will consider land contract. 842-5478 MANISTEE COUNTY 2 bedroom. On acres. 300' of Pine Creek.
Fireplace. Garage. Financing. Much more. Box 146, Wellston, MI 49689.
(616) 848-4268. CABIN Year round. North of White Cloud. 5 acres. 2 stall garage.
Quiet spot in woods. $20,000. Land Contract. Gray Realty, 887-7351 or 784-2258. RS5A Waterfront Property BOSTWICK LAKE 7036 Kitson.
Lakefront, year round home. 2 bedrooms. $57,900. Will sell on land contract. 361-5202 CROCKERY LAKE Lakefront walkout, 2 possibly 3 bedrooms, living room, extra large kitchen, dining, full bath and laundry room up.
Family room and extra kitchen down bath. By appt only. Call 887-7880 between 7-9pm. DOUGLAS-MARINERS COVE Come see the new condominium community on Lake Kalamazoo next to Tower Marina. Open Sun.
1-4pm. Offered by AMERICAN ACQUEST-REALTY DIVISION, Saugatuck, 616-857-1428. DUNCAN LAKE 40' frontage, approx. 1 acre (to be surveyed) Not a drive-by, call for details. Ed DeVries 868-7243 or of Cascade, 949-6980.
(new) INDIAN LAKE Lakefront. Large, sandy, flat lot, great for cottage. 453-1418 eves NORTHEAST KENT COUNTY Chain of 5 lakes, own 250' on Woodbeck Lake with acres of private setting. Walk out ranch 3 or 4 bedrooms, baths, large kitchen with snack bar, formal dining with sliders to patio, lawn and shady beach. Chain of 5 lakes for boating, swimming, fishing or sailing for your pleasure.
Just 25 minutes from Grand Rapids. Call Maggie Green 754-8349, Judie Leach 754-5528, Carriage House Realty 691-8300 ROUND LAKE Mecosta County. 2 story, 2 bedroom year round home, beautiful view. $43,900. Garner Realty 1-972-2585.
SPRING LAKE Immaculate, 2 plus bedroom ranch on wooded lot thats priced right! Call Brad Lindsay, West Shore Grand 1-846- 7400 or 1-842-4742 WOLF LAKE 4 bedroom home, large country kitchen, sunroom, 2 stall attached garage, private drive, 60' lake frontage, includes 2 lots. $49,900, land contract terms available. 784-4473 LAKEFRONT Chain of 5 lakes, fireplace, open floor plan, 2 bedrooms, glassed family room with great view of lake. $43,900. Call Judy Petkewicz 754-5141, Corriage House Realty 754-9191.
(53440) RS7 Farms (Sale) Acreage 5 ACRES Southeast, sandy soil, good water, Southern exposure, $17,900. 868-6319. 7 ACRES With contract terms or 10 acres with creek frontage John Freieris Assoc. 453-4485, eves. 957-2240 7.7 ACRES Wyoming.
Apt. zoned land for 100 plus units. mile frontage, all utilities installed. Ed Zaagman Realtor 455-2220. 9.89 ACRES Beautiful building site with pond potential on paved 8th Ave SW.
Hudsonville Schools, $33,900, Gordon Van Rhee Realtor, 534-8038 10 ACRES Mobile or building site, near Lincoln lake, 430' road frontage, easy well and septic area, $12,900, easy land contract terms or car, truck or trailer down. Reminga Realty Co. 1-696-9180 anytime. 10 ACRES Rockford area, Half woods. 874-8279 22 ACRES Elm Ensley Center area.
Mobile or building site, driveway in, nice rolling site, some woods, $19,900, easy land contract terms or possibly a car, trailer or truck down. Reminga Realty, 1. 696-9180 anytime. 40 ACRES All tillable. 4 bedroom vinyl sided house, barn, tool shed, new 4" well, new furnace, on blacktop road in Belding area.
Call 616-794-1095. 70 ACRES 15 mi northeast. Spring fed pond. Creek, Christmas trees, garage. low down, land contract.
453-1601. 75 ACRES Overlooks Gun Lake. Development potential. Sanitary sewer. Includes private lake.
$112,500, terms. Ed Zaagman Realtor 455-2220. 17 ACRES Superb development parcel in the city of Grand Rapids! City services on the street. Great northeast location. Architectural drawing of development alternatives available.
Very well priced at $49,500. Call Doug Pettibone at 452-6865 or the Real Estate Office Inc. 458-1595 for details. (Survey available upon request.) CALEDONIA and 3 acre parcels. Blacktop road, natural gas.
Eves. Mr. Hitchcock 891. 8350, Paul F. Garbow Realtor 949-1260.
AREA 10 acres. Trees, gas, possible terms. 698-9574 No Sunday Calls LOWELL AREA acres of partially wooded land. Call 459. 8084.
MIDDLEVILLE-CALEDONIA AREA One of a kind, 4 year old duplicate of old farm home, oak trim, buildings and 10 acres (200 available) Eves. Mr. Hitchcock 891-8350, Paul F. Garbow Realtor 949-1260. NORTHEAST 1.4 TO 13.4 ACRES I have some outstanding building sites on Honey Creek, Knapp and Egypt Valley.
Good land contract terms. Call Tom Rosenbaum, 942- 2171 or Greenridge Realty 942- 8900. CASCADE Fred R. Johnson has new homes nearing completion in Cascade, priced from $139,900. Eves.
call Dave 942-6074 or FRED R. JOHNSON REALTY 949-8519. CASCADE New shaped ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, main floor laundry, great room with fireplace, formal dining, vaulted ceilings, features also include 6" exterior walls, wood deck, top soil and hydro-mulched lawn, decorated with earthtone colors. Ready for immediate occupancy. $119,000.
Brinks Realty 949-4810, 538-0836. CASCADE New spacious executive 4 bedroom 2 story contemporary and Sak-box homes under Construction in prestigious Cascade Farms. 2 acre lots. Colonial Builders 534-2030 CASCADE Now building. Rustic and Contemporary ranch.
Both have wood vaulted ceilings, baths, 4 bedrooms. Lots in Coscade, let us design your new home. Eves. Wm. Hitchcock 891-8350, Paul F.
Garbow Realtor 949-1260. CASCADE Pool, sauna, 1 acre, 4 bedroom, 3 baths, brick ranch. Jones Assoc. 949-4443. CASCADE Shurlow built Colonial, 4 bedrooms, baths, finished rec many extras.
$189,900. 957-2275 CEDAR SPRINGS New 3 be droom ranch, 1027 sq ft, $35,900 Reminga Realty 696-3390 CEDAR SPRINGS 3 bedroom, bath, dining room, insulated, aluminum sided, fenced yard, pool, 2 decks. $34,000. Owner 696-2085 COMSTOCK PARK 4 year old, 3 bedroom ranch, finished walkout, 1656sq.ft. living area, wooded lot, on cul-de-soc, $56,900.
By owner. 784-1390 for appointment. CORINNE SW, 102 Updated 2 bedroom, older neighborhood. Vinyl siding, well insulated, solar panel, $49.50 gas budget, beautifully restored woodwork. Best of the new.
Low $30's. 241- 5595 eves. DORR Motivated seller. 3 bedroom ranch newly painted and carpeted. finished basement.
Beautifully landscaped. Shows excellent. $45,500. 681-9632. DUNHAM SE Best buy in the area only $25,500.
3 large bedrooms, formal dining room, 2 car garage. Easy low down payments on FHA terms. Bob Goss, GOSS REALTY 538-3250. EAST GRAND RAPIDS Choice area, 3 bedroom, rec room, Financing: 5,000 down, 504 a month. Drive by 2727 Albert SE before calling owner.
361-6767 or 361-6678. EAST GRAND RAPIDS OPEN SAT. SUN. 1-5 2820 OAKWOOD SE 3 large bedrooms, baths, 2 fireplaces, formal dining room, kitchen with eating area and adjoining solar room, large yard, 2 stall attached garage, upper $80's. 949-4609.
EAST GRAND RAPIDS Delightful, well designed ranch in convenient and desirable area. Living room with fireplace, expansive kitchen, rec room, master suite with luxurious bath three additional bedrooms. Central air screened porch, large private yard. Appropriately priced at $144,500. Shea Realty 942-9740, Bill Dickinson, 363-1428 EAST GRAND RAPIDS Charming 2 family in prime location.
Near Gaslight Village and Blodgett Hospital. Newly carpeted living and dining area, 2 bedrooms, new kitchen and bath down. 2 bedrooms, bath, living room and kitchen up. Large private fenced back yard, 3 stall garage. By owner.
949-0589, 451-9847 for appt. EAST GRAND RAPIDS 3 bedroom, bath, living, dining, 1 car garage, $55,900. 2348 Burchard. Days 451-7116, eves. 452-4785.
EAST GRAND RAPIDS OPEN SUN March 23, 12-3pm. 3 bedroom ranch, 130 Rexford SE. EAST SCHOOLS Grand Rapids Twp taxes. 3 bedroom, bath, must sell. 676-0166, 942-8803 EASTOWN Beautifully redecorated 3 bedroom family home.
block from East Grand Rapids. $29,900 or lease $395. 457-1785. EDWARD 1514 SE 2 bedroom starter with expansion attic. All terms.
949-2000. FOREST HILLS New rustic ranch, 7 rooms, open plan, 2 baths. Call 957-0024. FOREST HILLS Newly listed ecutive 4 bedroom, 2 story colonial with great room, den, recreation room, 3 season porch and beautifully landscaped yard. Call Sonya Evenson, 949-3825, AJS REALTY, INC.
957-1680 GODFREY-LEE New listing. Cute and cozy 2 bedroom home on double lot with garage. $26,900. Tony, DeBartolo Realty 459-3581. GODWIN AREA Brand new 3 bedroom ranch, now being built.
Full basement, vinyl siding, $47,900. MSHDA or FHA $2500 down, payment $490 including taxes and insurance. Builder, 532-2422 GODWIN SCHOOLS 237 Belvue SW. Neat and clean 2 bedroom ranch. Freshly painted inside and out.
1 car garage with tio porch. Cul-de-sac street. Call Dene Truax, 459-5495 or The Real Estate Office 458-1595 GRANDVILLE 2 Bedroom bungalow, excellent starter home, remodeled, new furnace, appliances included, shown by appointment. 531-1918 GRANDVILLE 3 Bedroom ranch, sun room, large lot, stall garage, pool, $58,900, 534-1810 GRANDVILLE 5 bedroom walkout ranch on huge lot. Quiet culde-soc.
$82,900. Groot Realty 534-4606 or 531-8185 GRANDVILLE Builder has 3 and bedroom homes for sale. Southwest of Grandville, just completed, fixed rates under call builder, 896-8260 GRANDVILLE 3 bedroom salt box home with 2 full baths on acres. Only $73,500 for this 2 year old home. Call Bob Oritz 942- 8559 or 957-0700 of Grand Rapids, Inc.
(64824) GRANDVILLE Exceptional brick aluminum 2 story with formal dining area, family room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, and 1 baths, mint condition. Call Pat Vredevoogd, 676-1424, AJS REALTY, INC. 957-1680 GRANDVILLE New 2 bedroom 1 bath, 2 stall garage, complete energy package, ready for immediate occupancy. Woody Mann Builder, 531-9540 GRANDVILLE SCHOOLS! With 48 feet on Big Springs Lake, this 4 bedroom ranch won't last long. Living room with fireplace, recreation room, stall garage.
A home for all seasons. Al Wibalda 531-9486, Greenridge Realty 457- 2140. (64302C) WEXFORD COUNTY Beautiful 3 bedroom chalet, car garage, plus 65 acres. Excellent hunting and snowmobiling area. 616-389-2222.
ACREAGE 19 of part of, 35 year pines, sand soil, perk tested, paved highway, natural gas, GVSC area, Hudsonville schools, ideal home sites, Blendon township, write PO Box 192, Hudsonville, MI 49426. CLASSIC GEORGIAN COLONIAL Restored to retain original charm and character. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths (one off the master bedroom), sunken, multi-windowed living room, formal dining room and large country kitchen. New family room. Outstanding randa offers panoramic view of surrounding property.
20 acres and barn. Shea Realty, 942-9740. Esther Velick, 245-4461 MANY PARCELS From one to 110 acres, including lakefront lots, many in Rockford School district. Call Rodger Zwak, CENTURY 21 Landmark 866-4409 or 691-8408 MAPLE HILL LOG HOUSE Genuine log house ready for finishing, situated on 5 acres. 40 minutes from Grand Rapids.
Call Gerald Mullen 887-8568 or Earl Keim Realty Solar 887-8225. (64158) NOW SHOWING Simpson's Dairy Farm. All equipment above average dairy herd, about 158 acres. Good barn. 23 stanchions with pipe line, 40 free stalls.
4 bedroom country home in very good condition. Rel Safe Warranty. Call our form specialist Ed Neymeiyer. REALTY WORLD-Hamilton, 451- 0099, 455-6332, 281-3130 TO BUY OR SELL South, West or North Grand Rapids. Please call Lemmen Realty 895-4970.
TWO NICE BUILDING SITES In area of newer homes, 35 minutes from Grand Rapids, black top roads and undergound utilities, priced to sell, call 616-754-9041 after 4pm. WANTED LAND 1 to 10 acres suitable for building in Caledonia area. Phone 698-7007. RS8 Homes (Sale) ABERDEEN HILLS Exciting new homes. 10 minutes from downtown.
Furnished model. E.L. Ladd Co. 676-9101. ADA 521 Adapointe, 4 bedroom, 2 story, bath, living room, formal dining, kitchen with eating area.
Wooded lot. Cul-desac, 676-0124. ADA By owner. 2 story, 4. bedroom, formal dining, living room, family room, fireplace, wooded lot.
563 Ada Point, 676-2552 ADA Thornapple River access come with this spacious 2 story with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, family room, den, sewing room, 3 stall garage and Garter pool for summer fun. Call Jeff Schreru, AJS REALTY, INC. 957-1680 ALEDA 2451 SE, OPEN 2-4 (off Eastern on Alger) Immediate possession. FHA, VA, land contract. 942-1454 1ST AMERICA ASSOC.
R.E., eves 361-2212. ALGER HEIGHTS Open Sun 1-5. 904 Ottillia SE. Cape Cod. Shows excellent.
owner 241-5161 ALGER HEIGHTS COLONIAL bedrooms, baths, formal dining room, natural woodwork, 2 stall garage, playground, $41,900. 245-7760. ALGER HEIGHTS Warm and homey. story. 3 bedroom.
Fireplace. Finished basement plus office. Fenced- in back yard. $48,500. Phone 247-7749.
ALGER PARK Beautiful all brick home with living room, dining room, rec room, baths, 2 stall garage, shows excellent, lots of other extras, all terms available. 243-1737 1-5pm ALGOMA TOWNSHIP Country rancher, 4 bedrooms, 5 fenced acres, barn, $4800 down, 30 yrs $69,900. The Real Estate Office 454-9181. ALLENDALE By Owner. 3 bedroom ranch, baths, main floor family room, triple pane Omni windows.
Appliances included. Immaculate and superbly decorated. 2 stall attached garage. 895-7921 after 4pm BOONE SW Nice starter, 2 bedroom, aluminum ranch. Move-in condition.
$30's. Jerrell, Investors Realestate Service 957-7911. BURNIPS AREA 1 acre. 3 bedroom home in the country. Several ways to buy.
896-9783. BURTON HEIGHTS 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, fenced yard, good neighborhood. $23,900. Call 530-0133. BYRON CENTER Ideal 3 or bedroom family home with stockade fence for childrens safety.
In the Village of Byron Center. $45,900. Art Mulder Realty 878-1046 BYRON CENTER SCHOOLS bedrooms, acres. Tri-level offers energy savers on furnace, kitchen with eating area, living room, rec room, 4 stall garage. Close to town, but still country.
Jim Gibfried 942-8146, Greenridge Realty 281-2100. (63819 BYRON CENTER SCHOOLS bedroom multi level with sunken living room, family room with fireplace, walk thru bath from master bedroom, heated garage, 1 plus acre. Above ground pool. Available immediately! Dave DeBruyn 532-2317, Greenridge Realty 281- 2100. (59147 BYRON CENTER TRI-LEVEL Large rural home offering 4 roomy bedrooms, 2 full baths, Ben-Franklin fireplace, dining area with sliders, main floor utility, large family bar.
3 stall garage, maintenance free and .84 acre. Extras. CENTURY 21 Rietberg 538- 9460, Dan Grooters 456-7320. BYRON CENTER-BY OWNER bedrooms, 2 bath ranch on large lot wooded area. Large 2 car garage.
878-9707. CALEDONIA Quality throughout! Situated on approx. 3.3 acres, this 4 bedroom Cape Cod offers everything to the family buyer. Fireplace in family room, rec room, pool, 22x40 barn. Rog Gerrits, 669-9682, Greenridge Realty 457-2140.
(63654) CASCADE Large 4 bedroom ranch with pool and all the extras, huge garage, central air, 20x21 family room and more. Quick occupancy. Jeff Lehman 949-6901 or 949-5434. Shurlow Properties CASCADE 5 bedroom executive anor on larger nicely wooded lot. Features central air, triple paned windows, screened-in porch, family room and rec room.
Priced in the $150's. Great neighbors! Call Bob Ortiz 942-8559 or of Grand Rapids 957-0700. (63072) CASCADE 5 bedroom executive manor on larger nicely wooded lot. Features include central air, triple pane window, screened porch, family room and rec room. Priced in the $150's with great neighbors! Call Bob Oritz 942-8559 or 957- 0700 of Grand Rapids, Inc.
(63072) CASCADE Forest Ridge Estates New 2 story Colonial nearing completion. 4 bedrooms, baths, main floor laundry, formal dining, living room, family room. Ready for occupancy in less than 30 days. Brinks Realty, 949-4810, 538-0836 GRANDVILLE SCHOOLS Owner, 2 story Colonial, 15 yrs. old, living room, dining room, large country kitchen with snack bar, built-in desk, china cabinet, family room with fireplace, sliders to cowered patio, 2 baths, laundry room, 2 stall attached garage, extra large bedrooms with oak floors, large closets, 1 acre fenced, 20x40 in ground pool, with fruit trees.
2989 O'Brien Rd. SW, 453- 7196, 4-6pm. $97,000 firm. GRANDVILLE This super sharp home was in 1983 Parade of Homes and still shows like new. Features professional landscaping, custom curtains and drapes, walkout basement, cul-de-sac street, 2 bedrooms on the main floor with a third roughed in the basement.
Priced at $67,900. See it with Craig Van Assen 457-5445 or 791- 0110 of Grand Rapids, Inc. (S-4) GUN LAKE-YEAR AROUND Mobile home on a nice double lot. 50' waterfront access and dock. Partially furnished including stove and refrigerator.
Woodstove heats entire home. Only $20 a month gas bills! Call Renee Jackson 455-6346 or CENTURY 21 DeGraaf Jochems 455-4900 HAWTHORNE NE 3 bedrooms, formal dining room, baths, study, den or 4th bedroom, fenced yard, greenhouse. Neat and clean. Mid $30's. Call Jeanne Hare, Fase Realty, 364-8745 or 538-7844.
HUDSONVILLE Privacy woods, full 4 bedroom walkout for details Huyser Realty 669-5560 JAMESTOWN OPEN SAT. AND SUN. 1-4 Newer 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. Private master suite. Large country kitchen with pantry.
Walk-out on acres. 5 miles south of Jamestown, mile east. 2904 146th Ave. 896-8155. JENISON 3 bedroom ranch home, baths, main floor utility, family room.
Priced at $54,900. Call Mary or Jeri Tamminga 896- 9514 or 669-0990 West Michigan Real Estate JENISON 3 bedroom ranch. Nice quiet neighborhood. Full finished basement. Central air and more.
For only $59,900. Shown by appointment, 457-2293. JENISON 5 new houses under construction. Different styles and floor plans. 2-4 bedrooms, 1-2 baths, from $54,000.
CENTURY 21 Frank Smith, Rick Voorhies 457. 2000, eves 457-5192. (204) JENISON 8635 Rivercrest, 3 bedroom ranch, formal living room, family room, with fireplace and utility on main floor. Oak cabinets, appliances included, $77,500 457-9275 No Agents JENISON Charming 4 bedroom, 2 story, large swimming pool, garage and finished rec room. Don Elling 457-9000.
JENISON Just listed, 1 owner tri-level. Many, many extras including 3 full baths, 4 bedrooms, main floor utility, family room with fireplace, formal dining room, 3 stall garage, and inground pool. Call Helen VanDe Wege, at The Real Estate Office 458-1595 or 949-3417 JENISON New Listing. 2499 Oak Hollow. Spacious 4 bedroom tri-level, family room with fireplace plus gorgeous rec room, baths, main floor laundry, huge master bedroom, 2 car garage.
$70's. Maggie Fuss, The Real Estate Office, 457-9636, 458-1595 JENISON Newly decorated very sharp interior! Super nice 3 bedroom ranch with finished basement rec room, large yard with a seperate well for sprinkling, 2 stall garage. $54,900. Jerry Sikkema 538-5058, Greenridge Realty 457- 2140. (NEW O) JENISON-HUDSONVILLE Deluxe new 3 bedroom walkout, oak cabinets, 2 sliders, fireplace, fully improved lot.
Building plans available. Call Builder, 457-1987 or GORT REALTY 669-5150 JOHN BALL PARK AREA Corner of 3 bedroom maintenance free exterior, double lot, privacy fence, sliders to deck, above ground pool, must see. 459-9499, Open Sun. 2-5. KELLOGGSVILLE Sharp aluminum 3 bedroom rancher on quiet street.
Only $40,900 with low down low interest financing! Call John DePuyt Realtor 538-8200 or 538-1125 today! KENT COUNTY U.S. Home will guarantee the sale of your home within of list price. 458-9500. KENTWOOD 2 bedroom ranch, new carpet last year. Good terms.
Call Jeanne Hare, Fase Realty, 364-8745 or 538-7844. KENTWOOD 3 bedroom, vinyl and brick tri-level. Cathedral ings, 2 fireplaces, family room, 1 baths. Deck overlooking large park-like fenced yard. 5140 Mople Creek SE.
$72,500. 455-8699, by owner. OPEN 2-4 KENTWOOD 5 Yr. old 3 bedroom 2 bath tri level, by owner, call 455-8826 KENTWOOD Are you looking for a buy on a new home? I've got just the home for you. This home offers 2 bedrooms, 11x20 living room with cathedral ceilings, also a 2 car garage.
The price is what's going to sell you because we're priced way below competition. Call Lenny Peek 532-5351, KENOWA ASSOC. 531-0069. KENTWOOD By owner, 3 bedroom brick ranch, finished basement, $72,000.4512 Curwood SE, 531-7334. Open KENTWOOD By owner.
ranch. 4 bedrooms, baths, formal living room, family room with fireplace. Call weekdays after and all day on weekends. 531-7449. KENTWOOD By owner.
Open Sun. 1-5. 3 bedroom brick ranch, in ground pool, large finished basement, inclosed porch, 2 stall garage, 2 fireplaces. Walking distance to Steelcase. Priced at $64,500.
531-1391. 4437 Carrick SE. No Agents. KENTWOOD ESTATES New 3 bedroom tri-level, 1 bahts, 2 car garage. Sharp! $69,900.
We take trade-ins. Ed Zaagman Realtor 455-2220. KENTWOOD OPEN SAT- -SUN 1-4 Two models just completed for your purchase. A 2 bedroom bilevel with cathedral ceilings, walk out basement, 12x12 deck, 2 car garage and much, much more. Also, a 2 bedroom ranch with baths, main floor utility, 12x12 deck, living room with cathedral ceilings, 2 car garage.
Priced to sell. Dave Victory 531-3130. MODEL LOCATION 5793 Promise SE (East off Kalamazoo on 60th, left on Brookfarms to Promise) KENOWA ASSOC. 531-0069 KENTWOOD Just under acre, 3 bedrooms, large den or 4th bedroom, large living room. Close to Steelcase, short drive to Green Lake.
Call Jeanne Hare, Fase Realty, 364-8745 or 538-7844. KENTWOOD Newer sharply decorated, 3 bedroom ranch, baths, large deck and large yard, on quiet cul-de-sac, near East Kentwood High School. $68,900, 281- 2689 KENTWOOD, OPEN 2-4 113 Maplelawn SE (east off 4000 Division). Immediate possession. Land contract, VA, conventional terms.
Trade. 3 bedroom, fireplace. 942-1454, 1st America Assoc. R.E. days 361-2212.
KENTWOOD PRINCETON ESTATES OPEN TODAY 1-4 THURS. 6-9 "OLDE ENGLISH" SALT BOX EXECUTIVE HOMES Four bedrooms, baths with whirlpool, cathedral ceilings, family room with brick heatalator fireplace, fully furnished kitchen. For your personal showing visit with Al David 534-9701. 1919 Wilmont Dr. (East off Kalamazoo on Gentian, left on Ramblewood to Wilmont, left to home) KENOWA ASSOC.
531-0069 New ranch, 2 bedrooms possibly 3, daylight windows, energy efficient, pick colors. Builder, 531-0115 LAKE BELLA VISTA Passive Solar Design, airlock entry and earth berming make this home as energy efficient as possible. You will love the contemporary design this bedroom, 2 bath bi-level home offers. This home is priced below builder reproduction. Call Jim Freeman at Eastbrook Companies at 455-0200 LAKE BELLA VISTA AREA By owner, contemporary walkout, $89,900.
For more into or appt. 874-6227 after 6pm. No Agents. LAKEVIEW 3 bedroom with great room, wooded lot, 1 yr. old, Rockford Schools.
Call The Realty Connection 942-0242 LOWELL 3 bedroom ranch, full bath, combination, full basement, $34,900. Call 676- 9337 owner. MAPLEVIEW SE Kentwood schools. Brand new and ready for you ranch. 3 beds, patio doors, appliances, carpet, 2 car garage.
Ed Zaagman Realtor 455-2220 NORTHEAST New area, 3 bedroom ranch, garage, basement daylight windows, other plans available. 457-1166 builder NORTHEAST 1055 Worcester. 3 bedroom brick ranch, 1 baths, living room, kitchen with oak cupboards, built-in china, finished basement, attractive decor, many extras, 2 stall garage. By owner, priced in $60's. 454-9108.
Open Sun March 23, 1-3pm. NORTHEAST 2 bedroom home with terraced and fenced yard, 10x18 deck, basement plumbed for 2nd bath and large family room, stall garage, woodburner. $42,900. Call Deb Larsen, CENTURY 21 Londmark 866-4409 or 866-9365 NORTHEAST 2 STORY FARMHOUSE With character and charm! 4 fireplaces living room, kitchen, formal dining room, bedroom. French doors from dining room to sunroom, master main floor utility.
Also guest house! Greenridge Realty 949-8900, Marian Watt 676-2963, Lila Lynn 949-0427. (61567 R) NORTHEAST 2 story offers 3 large bedrooms, 1 baths, carefree aluminum siding and a full basement. Formal dining room with hardwood floor, custom kitchen with all oak cabinets, newer living room carpet. Comes complete with a garage. Larry Mennetti 949- 1027, Greenridge Realty 281- 2100.
(New A) NORTHEAST 3 bedroom, low down, $35,000. Dave, 784-5892, Jones NORTHEAST 3 bedroom bungalow, bath off master, fireplace, Manus, 942-0224 NORTHEAST 4 bedroom, bath, family room with fireplace, main floor utility, attached garage, Kent Hills School, $55,000 with low down payment. Dennis Childress, 243-7679 NORTHEAST At today's interest rates, now is the time to buy this new 2 bedroom ranch, quiet deadend street! Convenient location, spacious, Energy Plus Efficient. Mid $40's. Harry Byker 784-3939 POHLER BUILDERS, eves 454-3452 NORTHEAST By owner, brick 3 bedroom, finished rec room, private yard.
$54,000. 363-6601. NORTHEAST 3 bedroom ranch. Redecorated. Immediate possession.
$41,900 terms or trade. Bob Bradley 957-0700 or 455-6842 of Grand Rapids, Inc. (KVH) NORTHEAST Larger 3 bedroom 2 story, aluminum siding, updated furnace and electric, baths, located 1 block from Creston High. $29,900. Bob Bradley 957-0700 or 455-6842 of Grand Rapids, Inc.
(N-8) NORTHEAST Aluminum sided 2 story, 3 bedrooms, bath off master bedroom. Large lot and 2 stall garage. Only $42,900. For more information call Jim Darling at The Real Estate Office 458-1595 or res. 243-7960 NORTHEAST Still time to pick colors on this expandable walkout ranch with garage.
$62,000 with low down payment. Call Bob Brodley 957-0700 or 455-6842 of Grand Rapids, Inc. (KVH) NORTHEAST 4 bedroom, den, formal dining room, 2 full baths, garage, quiet and safe neighborhood. Priced High $40's 243-0487 NORTHEAST FHA, VA. $49,900.
3 bedroom colonial, baths, formal dining, aluminum siding. Combs Realty 456-5405 NORTHEAST Maintenance free 3 bedroom ranch with attached garage. Completely remodeled throughout. TION 451-0261 or 364-8137. NORTHEAST Nicely decorated 3 bedroom ranch with fresh paint inside and out.
Newer roof and furnace. French door to rear deck. Large rec room. No backyard neighbors. Under $50.
Dan De Vol, KELLOGG ASSOCIATES, 361- 6682 NORTHEAST No agents please. 3 bedrooms plus, 2 story brick, private yard. $55,000 Weekdays after 6 363-0179 NORTHEAST Mile area. 4 bedrooms. Brick and vinyl siding.
2 story. 2 Sunporch. $74,000. De Voe Realty, Hill 868-7363; De Voe 868-6307..